To Hold The Night

Jessica Petelle | 00:16:26 | Canada

Set in the 1960’s, To Hold The Night is a haunting short film about a young woman enjoying a wild night only to wake up in her childhood home on her wedding day. Not only does she not remember getting there, she doesn’t remember the groom or their courtship. With only a hallucination of her younger self as an ally, the film begs the question – who can you trust if you can’t remember?

Anwen O’Driscoll
Mike Taylor
Megan Hutchings
Valentina Battrick
Chris Potter

Alyson Shelton

Jessica Petelle
Alyson Shelton
Nikki Andrew
Alana Omolayole
Brad Turner
Jen Prince

Director of Photography
Brad Turner

Maxyme Tremblay

Erica Procunier