Tailong Shi, Zixuan Fu, Zidong Ma, Zihao Wu, Ankang Huang | 00:03:19 | New Zealand

After a serious nuclear leak, Country J discharged nuclear wastewater into the sea without any notice. The entire sea was seriously polluted, and the scope expanded to the entire Pacific Rim, and the sedimentation pollution of nuclear radiation was Begins to seep into groundwater…

The local residents of Site A (somewhere in the Pacific Rim, in the canyon landscape) were recently surprised to find that there were some huge insects that they had never seen before, and some villagers had been attacked by the insects. The evidence was a one-meter-long insect that the villagers worked together to kill. What a long cricket, the police found a complete hind leg of a huge cricket in the wreckage at the scene, and filed a case for this matter – the mystery of giant insects.
This matter directly alarmed the national army, and the military executives dispatched a group of elite army squads and a light reconnaissance aircraft to carry out reconnaissance missions.

Luke Hawker

Tailong Shi
Zixuan Fu
Zidong Ma
Ankang Huang
Zihao Wu

Richard Taylor
Lijun Sun
Sam Gao

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