
Nicole Latisha Howard | 01:30:45 | United States 

Chosen- A Lady’s Journey from Called, to Crushed, to Crowned is a book / Stage Play that navigates through the life of a character named Noelle, and explores the different seasons of her life. Noelle was called at a young age and has worked hard to receive the crown that was designed for her; but the journey from called to crowned, often times involves a crushing season.

Noelle’s crushing season involves abandonment, betrayal, infidelities, humiliation and church hurt. She was married to a senior pastor who did dishonorable things.The pain of this season is what pushed Noelle to her promise. She realized that she was CHOSEN to empower and equip ladies to reach their full divine potential.

Tonya Harris
Walter Parker

Nicole Howard

Rev. Vernard “Kam” Howard