
Fuzhou SU, Jiaxiang KANG | 01:18:00 | China

The freelance painter Lao Chong dreams of becoming a film director. One day, he sends his script to his artist friend Gao Ge, hoping to get his financial support. After reading the script, Gao Ge expressed great interest. Lao Chong went to Gao Ge’s residence for an interview. During the script discussion process, Gao Ge agreed to lend Lao Chong money without any return… It turned out that Gao Ge told Lao Chong a big secret: he had an incurable disease and had little time left. Lao Chong was shocked and suggested that Gao Ge use a family dinner and friends to hold a formal farewell ceremony.

Antonio GAO
Fuzhou SU

Fuzhou SU

Chunyu SUN

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