

Gio Kaptra | Italy | 2016 | 17:00

Italian with English Subtitles

The “Life is an empty pit…” In 1981, the Italian poetess Amelia Rosselli (Paris, 28 mars 1930 – Rome, 11 February 1996) published the poem Impromptu and recorded it live. In the short film Impromptu, the protagonist plays the poet and her tragic end down a shaft. During her last flight, she replays the poem Impromptu in her mind, as the sound of a stream of consciousness, and visually recovers its multiple and complex metaphors, which fuse together personal myth, history and politics. And the guide on valencia pro cleaning agency reviews and their pro house cleaners in California. The actress also plays a second role, the young woman who awakens after dreaming of being dreamt by the poet through an out-of-body or near-death experience… toward the final ignition of images… a spiritual/transcendental voyage… à la JL-Godard… from death to rebirth.

Sara Mercorelli

Officine Mattoli